Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

About the DDA

City of Gladstone DDA Distrcits

The City of Gladstone Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established in 1992 to enhance the quality of life for the City of Gladstone residents and develop a positive image of Downtown Gladstone for businesses, residents and visitors.

Gladstone's DDA comprehensively manages the downtown to maximize the local economy. We rely on Tax Increment Financing (TIF) dollars for operation with a goal set to halt property value deterioration and increase property tax valuation by eliminating the causes of that deterioration, and promoting economic growth.

The DDA Board represents the downtown district and the businesses, property owners, and residents within the district. The City of Gladstone has two DDA districts; the first established in 1992, and the second established in 2009. Gladstone's DDA district includes undeveloped property, which is very exciting for our community as we look to invest in future developments.